
Friday, March 15, 2013

Why Pope Francis Excites (Most) Evangelical Leaders

Pope Francis has drawn much attention for being the first pope to come from the ranks of the Americas and the Jesuits, as well as take the name Francis. But evangelical observers highlight other reasons for enthusiasm for yesterday's precedent-setting election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, former archbishop of Buenos Aires, to replace Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI after his surprising resignation.

Though the pope doesn't speak for Protestant Christians, he holds an important role as one of the most public faces of Christianity, said Leith Anderson, president of the National Association of Evangelicals.

"Around the world, there are millions of people who don't grasp the differences between Protestants and Catholics," he said. "To them, Christians are Christians and the pope speaks for Christians." Read more

Also read
Argentine Evangelicals Say Bergoglio as Pope Francis Is 'Answer to Our Prayers'
A new Pope for a Church in need of a new beginning
Pope Francis asks for courage in sharing Christ
The life and spirituality of St Francis of Assisi

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