
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

10 Ways to Pray for Boston Marathon Bombing Tragedy

Virtually every official or news anchor who reports on the Boston Marathon tragedy asks us to pray. Scripture asks, "When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?" Then it answers with this incredibly reassuring reality: "The Lord is in His holy temple; the Lord is on His heavenly throne" (Psalm 11:3-4). Prayer allows us to go to that Throne from which the galaxies are governed and focus all the resources of a loving God on the people and pain of Boston. As we focus on what the Bible reveals of who God is, we will know how to pray powerfully, effectively and decisively. Read more

Also read
Ricin is indicated in letters to Obama, senator
Source: Officials see potential suspect in bombing
Boston Bombing Suspect Found in Video Footage; Reports of Arrest False
FBI, Boston police say range of suspects, motives remains 'wide open'
The Boston bombing is going to embolden other individuals and groups to launch attacks of their own against large public gatherings, public figures, and other targets.

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