
Friday, April 05, 2013

3 Lessons Learned from a Pastoral Mentor

As the potter presses his clay, he has in mind a final design. Each spin of the wheel brings this design closer to reality. Scripture uses this pottery metaphor to describe our sanctification, "for we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works." And in this life-long process the Spirit uses faithful pastors to press grace into our souls.

When most people hear the name R. Kent Hughes, they probably think of homiletics. His many expository commentaries, long tenure of preaching at College Church in Wheaton, Illinois, and leadership in The Simeon Trust have rightly earned him the reputation. But I think of something else. Having served alongside of Kent for a number of years, I see him primarily as a mentor. Reflecting on this time together, I have compiled three lessons from his leadership that every gospel-oriented mentor should embrace. Read more

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