
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A Boston Marathon Bombing, the Broken World, and Our Maranatha Hope

This afternoon we were again reminded of the horrific and real threat of senseless violence. Today's bombings at the finish line of the Boston Marathon are disturbing reminders of the brokenness in our fallen world.

Today is another sad day – another tragedy. It will likely not be the last, regrettably. On days like these, commentators will ask "where was God in this?" or "why would God let something like this happen?" There are no easy answers to those questions. And while we may not be offered answers, we are offered hope and a promise in the midst of the brokenness.

Look around. Our world is broken. I'm not talking about the "world" in terms of nature (although creation, too, bears the marks of sin's blemish and decay). I'm talking about the "world" comprised of the people, structures, and systems that make up society – the moral patterns, beliefs, and behaviors that result in things like unfair business practices, racism, extreme poverty, dishonest government, dirty politics, family breakdown, cheating, stealing, oppression of the weak, and so many other distressors and defilers. Read more

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