
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Iran: American pastor placed in solitary confinement

In another effort to force American pastor Saeed Abedini to recant his faith, prison officials in Tehran have placed him in solitary confinement, something the American Center for Law and Justice calls "perhaps his most grave situation since his imprisonment last fall."

Abedini -- a U.S. citizen of Iranian descent -- has served time in solitary confinement in the past, telling his family it was the hardest time in his life, according to a statement by his wife Naghmeh. He explained that "every hour was like one year and that he was losing his memory and his health was deteriorating quickly," she recounted.

In addition to solitary confinement, ACLJ reported April 29 that Abedini's severe internal bleeding continues -- still going untreated -- and now his kidneys are not functioning properly. Read more

Also read
Iran moves American Christian into solitary confinement over prayer protest

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