
Thursday, April 18, 2013

An Overview of the Complex Situation in South Carolina

Lawsuits in San Joaquin and Quincy have prevented me from doing an update on the situation in South Carolina, and one is sorely needed. The litigation there has greatly intensified since I last wrote. Let's recap, with links for those who want to view some of the actual pleadings, which are (sometimes sizable) .pdf downloads.

1. Bishop Lawrence's Diocese and its Trustees, if you recall, brought the initial complaint in the Circuit Court for Dorchester County in Prince George on January 4, joined as plaintiffs by the sixteen individual parishes. The only defendant named was the Episcopal Church (USA), and the lawsuit sought a declaratory judgment against it that the plaintiff Diocese and congregations were the sole owners of their respective names, registered marks (including the Diocese's traditional seal) and real properties. Copies of the complaint were served upon the Presiding Bishop, the Church's Treasurer, and its South Carolina counsel (Mr. Thomas Tisdale) within a few days of its filing. Read more

Also read
VA Supreme Court hands down split decision in Falls Church case
Trial in Quincy Commences
The Litigation Lottery in California: Same Facts, Different Outcomes

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