
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Anglican church pastor named bishop of new diocese

When Clark Lowenfield, senior pastor at HopePointe Anglican Church in The Woodlands, learned he would become Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of the Western Gulf Coast, he had a couple of reactions.

“First, it was a very humbling experience,” Lowenfield said. “Then all of the sudden, you realize how much you don’t know. There’s a sense of amazement that God will use anybody, even me.”

The newly formed diocese will consist of 12 churches throughout Louisiana and Texas. Lowenfield’s responsibilities as bishop includes overseeing these current and future congregations. Read more

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Note the distinctively Anglo-Catholic tone of the consecration with the bishop elect lying prostrate before his consecrators and the vesting of the new bishop in cope and mitre and his presentation with a crozier. They are visible reminders of the Anglican Church in North America's departure from the doctrinal and liturgical standards of the Anglican formulary, the 1661 Ordinal, and its questionable commitment to authentic Biblical (Protestant, Reformed, evangelical) Anglicanism. Note also the distance between the clerical and lay participants in the consecration--another indication of the emerging character of the ACNA. 

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