
Monday, April 15, 2013

Ed Stetzer: Confessions of a Pastor Who Used to Be More Reformed Than Jesus

I've commented before that some charismatics and some Calvinists seem to have adopted the belief that strategy and planning can be bad things. I think this is an overreaction to some of the excesses of the Church Growth Movement. And, now, many are saying, "I just want to be faithful, preach the word, and focus on the marks of the church, and not worry about growth." (That's the Calvinist version.) The charismatic version is more often about, "I just want to be faithful, preach the word, and follow the spirit, and not worry about growth."

The result is, in my view, a lot of great churches not reaching the people they should and generally looking down on those who do strategic planning and outreach.

That is a shame. You can do practical planning and not be driven by pragmatism. Yet, lots of charismatics and a growing number of young reformed pastors are missing this. (And, some confessional Lutherans, liturgical Anglicans, fundamentalist Baptists, and many others who think that being strategic and practical is precluded by their theology.)

So, last year, I made a deal with one of those young reformed pastors. Yes, this friend invited me to use his family condo in Florida and made me promise to coach him. (I will let him tell the story, but I am a sucker for getting my family on vacation and love encouraging pastors.)

So, here is his story. Read more

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