
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Homosexuality, ordination and a seminary degree?

Being a seminary president means you receive mail, and lots of it. Publications from every sector of life flood my office on a daily basis. I enjoy perusing many of these materials, especially those related to theological education. Usually, I am alternately amused and frightened by much of what I read, as each publication demonstrates how unbiblical much of contemporary theological education is in America today.

One such magazine especially caught my attention in recent months. The publication, entitled Mosaic, is the institutional magazine published by Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. One of Mosaic's featured stories from its fall 2012 edition stopped me in my tracks. The article, "Extending the Gift of Welcome to All: LPTS Student Maurice 'Bojangles' Blanchard Discovers his 'True Colors,'" highlighted Blanchard's alternative lifestyle and ministry pursuit.

Blanchard is a practicing homosexual and alternative lifestyle advocate in the Louisville, Ky. area. He was recently ordained to ministry by his church, Highland Baptist, a church that long ago abandoned affiliation with the SBC, the Kentucky Baptist Convention and the local, Long Run Association. Blanchard leads "True Colors" at his church, a ministry created to attract members of the homosexual community. Read more

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