
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Korean Southern Baptists expand North American vision

The April 8-10 Korean Global Mission Conference may help shorten the hyphen between Korean and American for Southern Baptists.

Nearly 500 people from throughout the United States were on hand as leaders cast a vision for multiplying church planting among the 1.7 million-plus ethnic Koreans in the United States.

Many Korean-American leaders appeared ready to accept a new paradigm, having received strong overtures from North American Mission Board President Kevin Ezell to participate in Send North America, NAMB's strategy for rapid church multiplication in the U.S. and Canada.

"I am so encouraged by the Korean pastors I met at the conference because of their passion for starting new churches," Ezell said after addressing the conference, hosted and organized by Sugarloaf Korean Baptist Church in Suwanee, Ga. "We need churches of every ethnicity that are committed to starting new churches.

"They made it very clear that they have a desire to partner in planting churches of all ethnicities, not just Korean," Ezell said. "The only way we will be able to start the number of churches that are needed over the next few years is for pastors to share their passion." Read more

Also read
What groups in your denomination are committed to starting new churches? What is your church doing? 

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