
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

North Korea: How to Pray for Kim Jong-Un and Nameless Christians

After researching North Korea for many years and talking to North  Koreans and North Korea watchers, I've noticed that the North Korean government  has two mouths. One speaks to the outside world; the other to their own people.  There are remarkable differences in what they say. For example, while the North  Korean government keeps issuing threats to the international community, the  North Korean population is now being motivated for the farming campaign.  Apparently the war drills are over.

Also, the regime repeatedly tells the people the economic problems will soon  be over, but the leaders never deliver. The North Korean people are disappointed  again and again. In fact, because North Korea has not lived up to its promises  in the past 20 years, the love for "Big Brother" has extinguished. A large  majority of the North Korean adults don't believe in the lies anymore.

That makes living in the Hermit Kingdom perhaps even harder. How can I begin  to describe what it is like to live in this country? Imagine a country where the  state decides where you live, what profession you choose, what sports you practice, what food you eat and if you  eat. Imagine a country without any color in people's clothing and buildings,  except for the propaganda images that decorate concrete flats, houses and  monuments. Imagine a country where Great Leader Kim Il-Sung has been dead for  over 18 years, but is still president and where his starving followers must worship him as a god. It's true  that the entire population of North Korea is suffering, but Christians are  definitely singled out. Secret agents are specifically trained to hunt them down  and imprison entire families. Read more

Also read
Franklin Graham: Obama Needs God's Guidance Over North Korea Decisions

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