
Friday, April 19, 2013

Relationships aren’t Secondary

When we look at Scripture, we can see that Jesus continually spent time with people. It wasn’t Plan B for him, it was his whole mission. He had a desire to be with people and could often be found in small and large gatherings. Somewhere in our culture, we have lost site of the fact that God works best in and through relationships. We build programs and we create environments that are designed to ‘reach people’. However, we have become great at trying to reach people at arms length. We focus on the big picture without realizing that eternal differences are made one relationship at a time. We are often so busy in this culture that it becomes very difficult to carve out time to just love on people. And as a result, organizations are formed, but relationships are distant. We can’t expect to make a difference in our communities if we aren’t willing to spend time with people in real life, day-to-day environments.

I want to give you four reasons to invest time in cultivating personal relationships. Read more

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