
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Share The Load

Dividing Responsibilities Not Only Eases Your Leadership Burden, It Helps Your Group Members Grow

First Corinthians 12:7 says that God gives every believer spiritual gifts for the common good of the body. But if your small group is like most, it’s led by just one person—you! Not that you’re probably complaining, but that’s a huge burden. Aside from that, it’s also keeping everyone else from growing in their gifts.

The load usually falls on one person because many leaders feel like the only way to get things done is to do it themselves. And it doesn’t occur to group members to volunteer because they don’t know that taking on a responsibility is part of being a full member of God’s family. This contributes to group members thinking they don’t have any spiritual gifts because they’ve never had a chance to experiment.

So tactically, how do you motivate people to step up to the plate and discover their gifts in the process? Read more

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