
Monday, April 01, 2013

Should Christians Place Less Emphasis on Eternity?

There are plenty of people, especially in America, who feel that Christians place too much emphasis on eternity. But is that a legitimate criticism? Or is it simply man's attempt to try to make Christianity only apply to this life here and now? Interestingly, those who are uncomfortable with the supernatural are also uncomfortable with the biblical teaching about eternity.

Christians have just celebrated the resurrection of Christ. We do this because that event really happened, and because it is the key to our own glorious resurrection one day. Should we downplay that reality just because some folks don't want to think about eternity? Or is it our duty to present the message which Christ Himself taught, as well as the apostle Paul and many others?

Think of it this way. Should doctors place less emphasis on physical health? Should financial planners place less emphasis on IRAs? Should mechanics place less emphasis on repairing automobiles? People do what they know how to do. Christians, by God's grace, know how to communicate the fact as taught in the Bible that everyone has an immortal soul. Christians know how a person can joyfully live forever, even though his body dies. What doctor or retirement planner or mechanic deals with such a critical issue? Read more

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