
Tuesday, April 02, 2013

The Missing Ingredient: Devoted to ________ and Preaching

I  just finished co-writing a book on preaching, along with my friend Phil Campbell. I have to admit that writing a book about preaching makes me uncomfortable. I know there are all kinds of do's and don't's and useful tips and techniques. There are plenty of helpful things to say about biblical theology, and pace, and illustrations, and approach, and so on. But my biggest fear in putting all this down on paper is that it makes it sound as if preaching is all about the preacher—what we say and how we say it. But it isn't.
Everyone who has ever preached regularly knows something about the mystery of the sermon that you thought was brilliantly constructed but fell completely flat. In God's kindness, you may also have listened to yourself giving a really dud sermon and then led someone to become a Christian (I much prefer those days). Why does that happen? It's because God works through preaching. We need to remember that, and we need to remember to rely on him for that. How?

Prayer. Read more

Also read
Saving Eutychus: A book about preaching that keeps people awake
Book Review: Saving Eutychus

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