
Thursday, April 18, 2013

The shadow of secularization and the new dawn of the church

Storm Clouds Gathering - Water Color by Nigel Fletcher
The sky is falling. Secularization is on the rise, or so it seems. Positions long held by Christians as central to our faith are now massively unpopular and Christians are increasingly marginalized because of it. What is more, there seems to be a growing movement away from identification with Christ and his church, and towards an embrace of no religious affiliation at all. Of course, this is leading to an increasing pessimism among churches that are being marginalized, and this sentiment is understandable. I want to suggest however that this encroaching secularization may, in fact, lead to the dawn of a new era for the church, an era in which the church may actually prosper and grow like it has not in America in some time. Read more

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