
Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Three Ways NOT to Respond to Failure

The amazing thing about Easter is that God loves to turn crucifixions into resurrections. God loves to turn around the things that you think are absolutely hopeless. How does God take a minus and turn it into a plus? How does He take the negative things in our lives that are bad and use them for good? He makes a cross out of them.

Just because God has called you and decided to use you in ministry does not mean that you aren’t ever going to fail. You are going to fail in your ministry sometimes and you’re going to make mistakes. And when you fail, you are still God’s person. You’re still called and you’re gifted and you’re anointed and filled with His Spirit. What really matters is how you respond to your failures. Next week, I want to share with you some right ways to respond to your failures, but today I’d like to share with you three ways NOT to respond to your failures… Read more

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