
Saturday, April 20, 2013

What a Dead Missionary Can Teach Us About Radical Youth Ministry

Although Hudson Taylor was born in 1832 and died in 1905 he has a lot to teach us about youth ministry in this postmodern world. The principles he learned over the decades and eventually passed along to the young missionaries he recruited can help us reach the next generation today. But we must apply these timeless principles with the right mix of wisdom, gentleness and courage in our own youth ministry contexts.

Taylor became a Christian at the age of 18 and, by 21, became a full-blown missionary to China. Although he provided medical help to the Chinese as he shared the gospel with them he was (along with all the other English missionaries of his time) roundly rejected and ridiculed. Often called "Black devils" for their long, black overcoats the English missionaries were despised by many of the Chinese people.

As Hudson evaluated what other missionaries were doing he was severely disappointed and disillusioned. He realized that many of them were using their second language skills to help wealthy businessman transact lucrative deals instead of proclaiming the gospel. When many of these missionaries did actual ministry among the Chinese it was often with an air of English superiority. They spoke down to the Chinese "heathens" and then sipped some more tea as they huddled to console each other in their safe and comfortable "missionary training centers."

But Hudson was a different breed of Englishman than the prissy missionaries he was working alongside in China. Unlike them, he wasn't there to get rich but to get souls. He wasn't concerned with earthly comfort but with eternal salvation. His heart broke for the Chinese who knew nothing of Jesus, his death and the grace available for all who simply trust in Him.

So Hudson did something radical. He adopted Chinese dress, grew a long ponytail, dyed it black and shaved the rest of his head bald (like the Chinese men did!) Although other missionaries mocked him, he took radical action to reach the unreached Chinese. When he did the walls of Chinese apprehension fell and the gospel began to make an inroads into China in a serious way.

So what does all of this have to do with your youth ministry? What lessons can Hudson Taylor teach the average youth leader about youth ministry? There are at least 3 lessons he can teach those of us trying to reach the unreached people group called teenagers today.... Read more

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