
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Anglican Congregation Seeks Rehearing After Losing Property Suit to Episcopal Church

Photo: Henry D. W. Burt
An Anglican congregation in Virginia that recently lost a property suit against The Episcopal Church is asking for a rehearing before the state Supreme Court.

George Ward, senior warden of the vestry of The Falls Church Anglican, told The Christian Post that the congregation will submit a petition that may be heard by the Court.

"Our attorneys looked carefully at the opinion and they briefed our vestry on it, and the attorneys highlighted for us that the opinion is based at least in part on arguments that really had not been raised in the seven years of litigation," said Ward. "Since they had not been raised, we have not been able to either brief them or argue them before the Court. And so, by putting in a petition for a rehearing, that would enable us to argue those issues." Read more

Also read
Press Release: The Falls Church to ask for Rehearing of Virginia Supreme Court Ruling

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