
Saturday, May 04, 2013

CALL TO PRAYER: The power of focused prayer

Illustration by Liz Hagler
In his short Epistle, James gave the example of Elijah's prayer for rain as an example of focused prayer. He opened the illustration of Elijah's prayer with this declarative statement, "The urgent request of a righteous person is very powerful in its effect" (James 5:16b).

An expositional study of this passage leads me to paraphrase the verse this way: "The energetically applied, focused prayer of one who has been declared righteous by God can do much!"

The word translated "urgent" forms the basis for our English word "energy," what one commentator calls "an inworking prayer." As a middle voice participle, the word refers to the deep, urgent energy expended by a person who devotes more than a passing moment to his or her prayer. It is an energetically applied prayer.  Read more
All Christians should be heeding this call to prayer for revival and spiritual awakening for our churches, our nation and our world during 2013, not just Baptists. 

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