
Friday, May 31, 2013

Calvinism advisory committee issues report

A 19-member advisory committee on Calvinism has issued its report to Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee President Frank Page, urging Southern Baptists to "stand together" for the Gospel, even as "we experience tension."

"We can talk like brothers and sisters in Christ, and we can work urgently and eagerly together," the 3,200-word report reads. "We have learned that we can have just this kind of conversation together, and we invite all Southern Baptists to join together in this worthy spirit of conversation. But let us not neglect the task we are assigned. The world desperately needs to hear the promise of the Gospel."

The advisory team -- not an official committee of the convention -- was assembled by Page in August 2012 to advise him on developing "a strategy whereby people of various theological persuasions can purposely work together in missions and evangelism." Read more


  1. My summary of the report: "Non-Calvinists: bend over and assume the position."

  2. Err.I think I got my punctuation wrong. Its more like: "Hey Non-Calvinists, bend over and assume the position."
