
Friday, May 24, 2013

Developing story: Boy Scouts approve plan to accept openly gay boys

After lengthy and wrenching debate, local leaders of the Boy Scouts of America have voted to open their ranks to openly gay boys for the first time, but heated reactions from the left and right made clear that the BSA's controversies are far from over.

The Scouts' longstanding ban on gay adults remains in force, and many liberal Scout leaders — as well as gay-rights groups — plan to continue pressing for an end to that exclusion even though the BSA's top officials aren't ready for that step.

Meanwhile, many conservatives within the Scouts are distraught at the outcome of the vote and some are threatening to defect. A meeting is planned for next month to discuss the formation of a new organization for boys. Read more

Also read
Boy Scouts' Membership Change May Grow Christian Youth Clubs
Boy Scouts overturn ban on gay members
'Sadness' after Boy Scouts of America overturns ban on gay members

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