
Friday, May 10, 2013

Eagle Scout: Allowing Gay Youth Into Boy Scouts of America Would Increase 'Boy-on-boy Sexual Contact'

A panel of experts with conservative values is set to discuss their views of the risks involved with a proposed change in the Boy Scouts of America that would allow gay youths to join local troops while continuing to exclude gay leaders. The discussion will be hosted by the Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C., and is scheduled for this coming Tuesday.

John Stemberger, Eagle Scout and Founder of OnMyHonor.Net, a coalition of concerned BSA parents, Scoutmasters, Eagle Scouts and other Scouting leaders, says the Christian-based organization will not only lose a large number of members and financial sponsorships, but will run the risk of creating an environment where boys will be susceptible to homosexual encounters.

"The most important point is, and the BSA knows this, but they are not talking about it or entered it into their analysis, is that this move will absolutely dramatically increase boy-on-boy sexual contact," Stemberger told The Christian Post on Thursday.

"If only one boy is going to be violated, have his life transformed and turned around in a negative way as the result of this policy – that is enough alone [to not be in favor of the new policy proposal] – not to mention the fact that it is not going to be just one boy, it will be hundreds and thousands of boys over time," he said.

The proposed resolution would change the membership policy to require all chartered scouting units to foster open homosexuality among boys in the organization but not adults, according to organizers of the panel. Read more

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