
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Idol Worship Spawned the Same-Sex Revolution

Rainbow Gay Pride banner, symbol of the Gay Rights movement
Whenever addressing a topic as misunderstood as this one, it is helpful at the outset to reaffirm the fact that God loves everyone. He loves those who struggle with this or that temptation, as well as those who feel unlovable. "God is love." (1 John 4:8)

It is fairly obvious that heterosexual desire is natural. Most people experience it. There is much disagreement today, however, about homosexual desire. Is it also natural, or is it unnatural? Did God create man to have this orientation, or did same-sex attraction originate in some other way? Was it due to God's design, or man's revolt against God's plan?

Hopefully we can all agree on the fact that every human being is created in God's image, and is therefore loved by God. We should also be able to agree that since we are all sinners, it is wrong to look down on someone and judge that person. We are created equal, and we all have fallen short of God's standard for perfection.

So why the different desires in the area of sexuality? Why do most men and women find themselves attracted to those of the opposite sex, while a small percentage of men and women are attracted to those of the same sex? Read more

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