
Thursday, May 23, 2013

No More Church Evictions from Public Schools, Says New York City Council

Churches threatened with eviction from New York City public schools are celebrating the city council's passage today of a resolution calling on state lawmakers to protect their right to rent worship space on Sundays.

"Right to Worship Resolution passes NY City Council by 38-11," noted A Journey Through NYC Religions, which broke the news in a brief post. "Council steamrolls over Speaker Christine Quinn’s opposition to resolution."

The resolution (full text) notes that current restrictions "have had a more restrictive effect on religious organizations seeking to use school property than would appear to be required by the Establishment Clause," and calls upon state lawmakers and the governor to "sign legislation amending the New York State
Education Law to afford houses of worship equal access to school property." Read more

Also read
NYC Council Passes 'Right to Worship' Resolution to Give Churches Access to Schools

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