
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Poll: America losing its religion

More than three in four of Americans say religion is losing its influence in the United States, according to a new survey, the highest such percentage in more than 40 years. A nearly identical percentage says that trend bodes ill for the country.

"It may be happening, but Americans don't like it," Frank Newport, Gallup's editor in chief, said of religion's waning influence. "It is clear that a lot of Americans don't think this is a good state of affairs."

According to the Gallup survey released Wednesday, 77% of Americans say religion is losing its influence. Since 1957, when the question was first asked, Americans' perception of religion's power has never been lower.

According to the poll, 75% of Americans said the country would be better off if it were more religious. Read more

Also read
America is becoming less religious. That's good news for the Democrats

1 comment:

  1. America is NOT losing its "religion"...America is showing its true religion (way of life), that of freedom of self-rights.
    BUT it is ONLY Christ that will rule.
