
Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Praying to the Departed Conjures Fallen Angels

When a quarterback throws a pass in a football game, he is obviously trying to get the ball to one of his teammates. It is never his intention for a player on the opposing team to intercept it, but sometimes that is exactly what happens. The quarterback meant well, but the result of his pass ended up benefiting the other team.

Likewise, many well-meaning religious people throw various "prayer passes" in hopes of gaining spiritual assistance. Among these religious people are of course a number of Christians. Some of them have been taught to only "throw the ball" to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. These believers pray only to God Himself. Others have been taught that it is acceptable and even beneficial to pray to certain saints in heaven who are thought to be able to intercede on our behalf and grant us assistance.

So what is going on here? What really happens with prayers to the departed that are prayed everyday by religious people all over the world? Simply put, some prayers which are assumed to be prayers of "intercession" are in reality prayers of "interception." That is, these prayers do not reach the intended "receiver." Instead, they are intercepted by fallen angels. One of the many activities of evil spirits is to encourage religious people to pray to "dead" believers. The Bible does not encourage such a thing, but instead warns against it. Read more

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