
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Study: In an E-book Era, Most Pastors Prefer Hard Copies of Books

A new report from Barna Group that examines the book buying and reading habits of pastors says most pastors still prefer to read hard copies of books despite an increase in the use of digital reading devices in recent years.

Nearly half of pastors now use a device that serves as an e-reader, an article containing highlights from the more than 80-page report states, and that number has nearly tripled in the last two years. But despite increasing e-book sales and decreasing print sales, more than half of pastors still prefer hardcover books to paper backs or e-books.

Pastors collectively purchase between 8 million and 13 million books per year, and each of them buys an average of 3.8 books each month. In comparison, only 29 percent of all American adults buy more than 10 books each year. Read more

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