
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Why American Church Planters In Scotland Need Not Be The End Of The World.

I have recently returned from a 2 week trip to the USA, in an effort to drum up support for the work of 20schemes. In a packed schedule I visited Immanuel Baptist Church in Sacramento, pastored by Robert Briggs, one of the members of our advisory board. In partnership with 9Marks, we did a one day conference on reaching the inner city poor with the gospel of Jesus. It was a great time, with wonderfully hospitable hosts who have a great love for Scotland and a real heart for our ministry in Niddrie.

My second week was in Kentucky where I spent some time with some great men from around the states led by some even more generous men with a great desire to serve pastors of all stripes. It was immensely encouraging. Coupled with that I got to do some more meetings about 20schemes, preach and answer 100′s of questions about the work of reaching Scotland’s poorest with the gospel of Jesus. In both states one question came up time and again:
Can Americans really get past their culture, move to the poor areas of Scotland and plant churches there?
It’s a legitimate question and one that encourages me every time it is asked in the US. It shows, if nothing else, the self-awareness of those asking the question. Here in the UK we have been facing criticism in some (middle class) quarters who feel that encouraging Americans to come to Scotland is a huge mistake. The thought (where there is any) being that they will just not be able to make the (often huge) cultural leap needed to engage effectively in housing schemes. Now it is a legitimate issue and we do need to address it.... Read more

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