
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Updated: Calvinism team addresses question: What's next?

Members of an advisory committee on Calvinism say that with their report now issued, the "next step" in cooperation and unity is up to individual Southern Baptists.

Twelve of the 19 members of the committee appeared together Monday (June 10) in the exhibit hall's Cooperative Program booth, answering questions from messengers. The 3,200-word report, which urged Southern Baptists to "grant one another liberty" and "stand together" for the Great Commission, was unanimously approved and released in late May.

"It's really up to all of you as to what happens with this," committee member Tammi Ledbetter told an audience gathered around the CP booth. "We can talk it to death, and I think we probably have. What matters is what you do with your life in the way you relate to other people. And every time you have a conversation about this document or you have a conversation about a fellow believer ... how you handle yourself will make the whole difference."

The hope, Ledbetter added, is that both sides will put the focus "back on winning people to Jesus." Read more

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