
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Christianity in Vietnam

We arrived in Vietnam -- one of only five remaining socialistic dictatorships ruled by Communist ideology, circumscribed by its assumptions and demands. However my reading had not prepared me for what I saw and was to learn.

Vietnam is a country of surprising contradictions. Made infamous by wars with the French and Americans I was accustomed to the American’s view (remember I was a student in in the ‘60s/‘70s) that their strategy, called the “domino theory”, was to prevent Chinese and Vietnamese from extending communist rule throughout South East Asia. I also assumed it is a country where the Gospel is driven underground by a repressive Communist government. I found it is and isn’t.

My first stereotype was shattered when outside of Ho Chi Minh City -- still called by many “Saigon” – we were taken to the campus of the Biblical and Theological Institute of the Evangelical Church of Vietnam South (ECVN/S) -- a denomination still often called “C&MA” (Christian and Missionary Alliance). I looked around and saw to the left a multi story main building for classes and administration for 150 students. To the right a 7-story student residence with a second under construction. In front a 3,000-seat church also under construction. All in a Communist country which continues to enforce unpredictable and contradicting laws.

That’s one side of the story. The other is the control by government over all matters religious: this is a one party government shaped by a materialistic ideology. The prudent reminded me not to be lulled into thinking the government has gone soft on Christianity. They had many stories describing the quick and harsh reminders of who is boss. Read more

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