
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Ed Stetzer: Prop 8, DOMA, and the Christian Response

What Should We Do Now?

Last week, the largest Christian ministry devoted to helping homosexuals struggle against their attractions apologized to the gay community and announced it was shutting down.

Today the Supreme Court of the United States struck down parts of the Defense of Marriage Act, passed in 1996. The Supreme Court also declined to rule on Proposition 8 from California (Christianity Today has the full story here).

In doing so, same-sex marriage recognition remains a state issue and (although this is not completely clear at this time) it appears to remain legal in California, as it is in 12 other states and the District of Columbia. Also, the United States government will recognize the legality of those marriages with respect to federal benefits. (I'll update this paragraph as the ruling is analyzed, but this is the first look.)

Needless to say, our culture is changing-- quickly and dramatically on this issue. But how should Christians respond?

Our typical response has been to post on blogs, write articles, and send tweets to shout about our opinion and speak out against those who differ. That's already happening. But, I'm not sure that is the best approach right now. Why? Because courts don't determine biblical morality, and regardless of what government does, churches shouldn't stop their mission. Read more

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