
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Egyptian Christians Brace for (and Debate) New Round of Protests

Campaign aims to oust Muslim Brotherhood’s President Morsi and force early elections

Frustrated Egyptians will take to the streets on Sunday, the one year anniversary of President Mohamed Morsi's inauguration. Dubbed the "Rebellion Campaign," the grassroots movement announced the collection of 15 million signatures to depose the president and demand early elections.

"The situation in Egypt is very serious," wrote Anglican Bishop Mouneer Hanna Anis of the Episcopal Diocese of Egypt and North Africa. "I do not know where this situation will take us. I feel that Egypt is at the verge of violent demonstrations, another revolution, or civil war."

"Rebellion" organizers pledged their demonstrations will be non-violent, and Muslim Brotherhood leaders warned that violence—perhaps organized by supporters of the former regime—would undo the successes of the Egyptian revolution. Yet the Muslim Brotherhood leaders scheduled counter-demonstrations to coincide with "Rebellion," setting the stage for clashes between the two sides. Read more

Also read
Press Statement from the Bishop of Egypt on the country's civil unrest>

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