
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Enrichment Journal: Organizational Change and Strategic Thinking

Jethro followed and applied three strategic-thinking principles and leaned on God to help reveal an appropriate planned response. As a result, a whole nation was benefitted. We will do well to follow this example.

Leading Strategically
We often find a common misnomer among Pentecostal or charismatic leaders. This illogicality has to do with the idea that being Spirit-led is either opposite or spiritually superior to being strategically-led. I suggest that being Spirit-led and being strategically-led should go hand in hand. Both depend on each other for the best possible outcome of our ministries.

I have been in ministry and in Pentecostal circles long enough to know the claim of being Spirit-led can often be a facade meaning, “I’m too lazy to do the hard work of processing, evaluating, and planning.” Or, it could be we just do not have the tools or know how to think or plan strategically. However, as leaders and stewards of God’s work we are responsible to do what we do well. There is no room for laziness or excuses. Furthermore, I contend we can be Spirit-led in the office and boardroom as effectively as we can be Spirit-led in the pulpit. God has called us to every facet of this work, including the strategic development and execution of each task.

We instinctively value and use strategic planning or thinking regarding retirement, our children’s schooling, our vacations, and a multitude of other realities. Why not apply such thinking when it comes to the work to which God has called us? I want to introduce you to the practice of structured strategic thinking and help you see the value of this practice. Additionally, I want to help you see that strategic thinking can be Spirit-led, if we invite the Holy Spirit to the table as we work. Read more

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