
Monday, June 17, 2013

Enrichment Journal: Worldviews and the Unseen World

A misshaped worldview is dangerous and susceptible to demonic deception.

However, a well-formed worldview, grounded on biblical truth, enables believers to recognize demonic activity and influence reactions to the unseen world.

Arriving at the home of a longtime Pentecostal church member, I saw him waving for me to come to the backyard. From there he escorted me into the house through the rear door, explaining that a taotaomona had moved into the tree in the front yard, and he did not want to make it upset. According to tradition, taotaomona are spirits of ancient Guamanian ancestors residing in Guam’s jungles. This man was a faithful church member and my first instinct was to think, How could he be this superstitious? We prayed and I left, not convinced he was less fearful.

As I reflected on this over the years, I realized his fear came from a worldview that included an animistic remnant he never confronted biblically in a way that penetrated his deep-seated worldview perceptions. At the same time, my worldview perspective, influenced by Western rationalism, drove my initial dismissive attitude relegating his concern to superstition. We both experienced an event through worldview lenses not totally aligned with the biblical worldview addressing bondage to the unseen world.

This experience underscores the danger of worldviews that are not biblically grounded. Adversely, it reveals the necessity of a well-formed biblical worldview to counter competing worldviews and how they influence reactions to the unseen world. Read more

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