
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Ethnic leaders affirm value of Southern Baptist diversity

Southern Baptists of all ethnicities must join together to reach an ever-diversifying nation and the world for Christ, leaders from three ethnic advisory councils said during a panel discussion in Houston.

"It's not a great secret that Southern Baptists were not always as ethnically diverse as we are today," moderator Ed Stetzer said at the Executive Committee booth at the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention.

"We've made remarkable progress. As a matter of fact, when news reporters do kind of a forthright, well-told story, they will hold up Southern Baptists as one of those who've increased ethnic diversity in our churches," Stetzer, president of LifeWay Research, said.

Even so, leadership roles throughout the convention are occupied largely by Anglos, Stetzer said.  Read more

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What steps are your denomination, your judicatory (e.g. association, diocese, network, presbytery, synod), and your local church taking to become more ethnically diverse and to reach a wider segment of the general population?

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