
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Fighting Porn in the Local Church

An epidemic has broken out among our generation. Pornography is ravaging the church, much like a spark that turns into a blazing forest fire. We have a huge problem on our hands. Many pastors are overwhelmed with everything it takes to shepherd a church, so they can’t possibly be expected to also handle this problem without help. If pastors don’t realize this, or we don’t acknowledge this fact, then we’re all self-deceived. Too many men are drowning in porn, without discipling, solid-biblical thinking, and any hope to fight the battle.

Too many churches encourage a culture of happy, clappy Christians—superficial Christianity. Rarely do we hear from the pulpit statements like, “We want to be a church where our people are deeply invested in each others’ lives” or “Let’s be a church where we ask each other the hard questions that roots out sin.” Unhealthy churches are far too common. Churches that encourage transparency and biblically-vibrant relationships; who make a priority of spiritual growth; and who settle for nothing less than a substantial (not superficial) sermon—these churches are rarer, but they do exist. Porn strugglers have much more of a fighting chance in a healthy church. Read more

Also read
Anti-pornography initiative launched at SBC
Women to battle pornography with prayer
Another moral effect of pornography: a warped worldview
Why do men fantasize over women? [VIDEO]
Desecration and Titillation - The Soul Danger of Pornography
9 Things You Should Know About Pornography and the Brain
How Premarital Sex Rewires Your Brain, Affects Your Chances of Finding Life Mate

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