
Monday, June 17, 2013

Kirk could lose £1m a year over gay ordination

The first wave of resignations has seen six congregations quit, with half of the parishes in the Kirk's financial heartland. The controversy could have a bigger impact on Kirk coffers as more are expected to follow over the next two years.

In Edinburgh, Holyrood Abbey Church worshippers give £215,000 a year, New Restalrig gives £114,000 and St Catherine's Argyle collects £196,000, while Gilcomston South in Aberdeen, brings in £300,000 a year and on Lewis the Kinloch and Stornoway churches bring in £210,000 between them. In total, the Kirk brought in £60.5m in givings in 2011.

It is understood that wealthier traditionalist congregations who depart may offer less well-off parishes help if they wish to leave. Read more

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