
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Reflecting on Bivocational Ministry

Introducing myself in this season of life has always felt a bit odd. Since age 16, I have looked at my career in only one light… serving the church as a pastor. For most of my adult life, it has been my work, my way of earning a living, and, for better or worse, a major portion of my identity. Meeting a new person, it has always gone something like, “Hi. My name is Philip and I serve as the pastor of…”

Then, about four years ago, my life switched and I began saying, “Hi. I’m Philip and I work at a publishing company.” My vocation changed from the pastoral to the business world. Today, I have a full-time job as a publishing director. I also serve as a part-time teaching pastor for a church.

For all of those who serve in a bivocational fashion – and there are many of us – I periodically find myself still leaning my introductions toward the ministry side of life. Depending on how my professional career went over the last few hours, my introduction can sound different. I occasionally find myself hurrying to a point where I can say, “…and I serve bivocationally on a church staff.”

To be plain, I love both of my jobs. I am in the envious position that not a lot of bivocational ministers enjoy. My full-time job is also a ministry to the church because I work for a Christian publishing company. Nevertheless, I have recently been reflecting more upon the life lived by the bivocational minister. Whether you serve as a pastor or a staff member, it is… different. For many, it is unexpected. In my own life, I thought that I would serve full-time on a church staff until a ripe-old age when they would have to force me into retirement.

For those who serve bivocationally or those who are shepherded by a bivocational pastor, here are some reflections I’ve had recently. Read more

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