
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Updated: Same-sex marriage rulings set Wednesday

The U.S. Supreme Court will announce two highly anticipated rulings on same-sex marriage Wednesday as part of its final day of the term.

Chief Justice John Roberts announced Tuesday (June 25) the high court would issue its remaining three opinions, which would include one regarding California's Proposition 8 and another on the federal Defense of Marriage Act. Both measures defined marriage as only between a man and a woman.

California voters approved Prop 8 as an amendment to the state constitution in 2008 after the state Supreme Court had legalized gay marriage earlier in the year. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, however, invalidated the amendment. Read more

Also read
New: Getting Ready for DOMA and Prop 8
New: The False Narrative of Gay Marriage: It Is Not Inevitable
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