
Saturday, June 01, 2013

Should Christians Obey the Old Testament Law?

Of course. Well, wait, it’s complicated. Most Christians agree that we are not to obey what Bible scholars call “the ceremonial law.” The notion that a believer must be circumcised was a critical battle while the New Testament was being written. And the apostles were clear that such was not only not required, but that those who did require it preached another gospel. Paul even wished that those who taught that view would emasculate themselves (Galatians 5:12). Christians disagree about the responsibility of the state to enforce the civil law that God gave to His people Israel. This is that portion of the law that called for the state to punish evil-doers.

What then, of the moral law? There are moral laws in the Old Testament that were neither ceremonial (part of the sacrificial system) nor civil. When, for instance, God forbids coveting our neighbors’ goods, there is no ceremonial instruction as to what should be done with those who do covet. Neither is there given a punishment from the state. Coveters were not, in Old Testament Israel, subject to jail, fines or flogging under the local sheriff. Read more

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