
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Should Unbelieving Musicians Lead Worship?

It’s Wednesday morning, and I’m sitting at a conference table in the middle of a mega-church cafe. Picture the greatest Starbucks you’ve ever seen, but for church people, meaning any way they can fit a Biblical word or phrase like He-Brews into something that relates to a coffee drink…they do.

Today I happen to be surrounded by ten or so worship leaders from surrounding communities who were invited to come together to share their trade secrets and insider knowledge about all things related to the ministry of worship arts. It’s no surprise that the conversation moves from light chit-chat about media and tech, to horror stories involving computer crashes, bad drummers and why church organs are actually ironic and awesome again. Up to this point, I’ve admittedly been a quiet, distracted observer, checking my I-Phone in between sips of my Psalted Caramel Mocha when suddenly the conversation shifts to who among us brings in musicians to lead worship who are not….well…saved.

Ok, now they have my attention. Read more

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