
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Study: Social Media Use by Pastors, Churches Spikes

A new study reveals the number of pastors and churches engaged in the use of Twitter and Facebook has significantly spiked in less than two years.

The Barna Group report, titled "The Rise of the @Pastor," reveals 23 percent of pastors now use Twitter while just 13 percent did so in 2011 – a 77 percent increase. Two-thirds (66 percent) of pastors also now use Facebook, as compared to the 59 percent who did so less than two years ago.

Younger pastors are more likely to use these social media platforms than older pastors. Thirty-nine percent of pastors ages 29 to 47 use Twitter, while just six percent of those ages 67 or older do the same. Similarly, 86 percent of pastors ages 27 to 47 are connected through Facebook, while the same is true for just 37 percent of those pastors over age 65. Read more

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Facebook Hashtags Rolled Out Wednesday: Copying Twitter?

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