
Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Coach's Course

What you need to know to lead leaders

Without a guy named John I wouldn’t be where I am today.

He was my coach of the first small group I led. When my confidence was waning or I was tired of leading, he came alongside me and said, “I believe you can do it.” That meant the world to me. Everybody loves hearing that they can make it.

He also repeatedly said, “I’ll help you. I’ll walk alongside of you, and you can come to me when you have questions and concerns or need prayer and support.”

But when I left college, I no longer had John to coach me. Nobody came alongside of me. It was kind of lonely. Sometimes I got discouraged, lost focus, and wondered what it would be like to have someone champion me.

There’s a lot of resources for leaders. And there’s a lot of helpful content for members. But there is not much out there for leaders of leaders, who are left thinking, Who’s leading me to lead? and How do I lead? The acrostic COACH highlights the essentials for coaching leaders. Read more

Also read
5 Steps to Celebrate "Win's" with Your Team

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