
Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Social Media Savvy Church

How to Develop a Two-Way Conversation on Social Media 

 Most people know by now that social media is more than just a soapbox where we get to share all of our brilliant ideas, more than just a megaphone we get to use to project our thoughts onto the world. Social media is most effective, and most rewarding, when used as a two-way conversation. But I often get the question, how do I do that? It’s a good question, so I thought I’d share my answer. Here are a few simple tactics I use to make sure I’m using social media to start a conversation... Read more

 Christian Leadership in a Tweeting World 

I have read that as many as one billion tweets are sent every 2-3 days. That’s amazing, especially for an application that began less than a decade ago. Read more

 Christians Are Happier, More Socially Connected Than Atheists, Twitter Study Reveals

A new study by the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science, has found that Christians are happier and more socially connected than atheists are on Twitter. Read more

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