
Friday, July 05, 2013

3 Ways to Be a Better Listener

A few weeks ago, I ran across an interesting post from Seth Godin with the simple title, “How to Listen.” In the post, Seth explains that the listener has as heavy an obligation in a conversation as the speaker. After all, no idea is truly communicated if the person being spoken to is not listening. Listening is hard work and needs to be practiced.

Being a good listener is one of the most important skills you can master if you want to advance your career and build meaningful relationships. Whether you’re an employee, employer, husband, wife, father, mother, or friend, when you truly listen, you demonstrate your interest in what is being said, and you show respect for the individual saying it. Listening is a magnetic force that draws people to us.

If you want to become a better listener, here are three techniques to use in every conversation.... Read more
Listening to others is an essential skill for effective evangelism. We not only need to learn to listen with our ears but also with our eyes. With careful listening we can discern an individual's "spiritual address"--where that individual is in relationship to the kingdom of God--and the best way to connect with that individual's needs.

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