
Thursday, July 25, 2013

A Fresh Encounter with Jesus

Scholar Atsuyoshi Fujiwara says Japanese are showing new interest in Christianity.

Atsuyoshi Fujiwara has been a pastor and scholar in Japan since 1999. Immediately after the March 2011 disaster, he joined volunteers in relief work and believes the Japanese church's rapid response is a key reason why some Japanese are giving Christianity a fresh look.

A professor of theology at Seigakuin University and founding pastor at Covenant of Grace Church in Tokyo, Fujiwara recently published Theology of Culture in a Japanese Context: A Believers' Church Perspective (Wipf and Stock). He is helping to plan the third theological conference at Fuller Seminary to examine the Christian response to Japan's triple disaster. Christianity Today senior editor of global journalism, Timothy C. Morgan, interviewed Fujiwara by e-mail. Read more

Also Read
Meeting Our Tokyo Neighbors with Open Doors
Redeeming Disaster in Japan

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