
Tuesday, July 09, 2013

All change again in the Middle East

Middle Eastern Christians are experiencing one of the most significant periods in their history, according to religious and political leaders meeting in London last week.

Regime changes in Egypt and Iran, and sectarian violence in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq, have presented an opportunity for the Christian minority to speak out, or for international bodies to advocate on their behalf.

Rev. Andrew White, the pastor of an Anglican church in Baghdad, spoke of the "terrible suffering" of Iraq's Christian community. He said that in the last 10 years since Saddam Hussein was toppled, 1026 members of his congregation had been killed – 58 within one day.

White said that in the last decade, Iraq's Christian population had shrunk from 1.5 million to around 200,000. Read more

Also read
Christians Killed in Egypt Following President's Ouster

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