
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Anglican Mainstream Response to legalisation of same-sex marriage

With other marriage advocates, we at Anglican Mainstream are distressed but not entirely surprised by the passage of last week’s legislation. We have been tracking the impact of Same-Sex Marriage (SSM) in other countries (such as Canada, which has had SSM since 2005) and note its damaging effect on family structure and society.

Of course the entire social fabric will not collapse overnight. Social mores do not function like that. And there are vital and important issues to address in terms of poverty and injustice, both in our country and around the world.

But SSM will have unintended and for some unforeseen consequences. See, for example, ‘Same-Sex Marriage Ten Years On: Lessons from Canada’ by Bradley Miller. Legitimate and vital concerns for human rights have been hijacked to become vehicles for a pan-sexual revolution which everyone in the public domain must either collude with or approve. And what has happened in Canada is here too, just in slightly less-developed form.

It is of concern that David Cameron told his party, on 26th May 2013, he would not do anything like SSM again.

And yet almost immediately, on 28th June, Maria Miller wrote in Pink News that in the Autumn she would be asking gays, "What do you want next?" Read more

Also read
Standing our ground: A reflection following the passing of the same-sex marriage bill

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