
Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Can the church flourish in a culture that embraces sexual immorality?

In recent days Christians have rightly decried the U.S. Supreme Court's decisions in favor of gay marriage, calling them unjust, unwise and ungodly. The decisions will have adverse effects on society, and followers of Jesus should work tirelessly to see them overturned. At the same time, however, the Bible reminds us not to be discouraged or imagine that a culture awash in sexual immorality will rob the church of its power.

The first-century Roman Empire practiced and even embraced an array of sexual perversions, but God used that sin as a backdrop to highlight the power of the Gospel and the holiness of His church. Consider several of the cities where early believers lived.

The apostle Paul's description of Gentile-dominated Rome included reference to homosexuality. Women there "exchanged natural relations for those that [were] contrary to nature" while men "likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another" (Romans 1:26-27). Indeed, Rome was a bustling metropolis that offered an array of sexual perversions to those seeking illicit pleasures. Yet in that city, the Gospel proved to be "the power of God for salvation to everyone who believe[d]" (Romans 1:16) and the virtue of the church was "known to all" (Romans 16:19). Read more

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Judge: Trial possible on Mich. gay marriage ban
Request to halt Calif. gay marriages denied
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